Geoffrey Chaucer, V. A. Kolve, Glending Olson

The Canterbury Tales (Norton Critical Editions)

This Norton Critical Edition includes the most admired of Chaucer's Canterbury Tales . Each is presented in the original language, with normalized spelling and substantial annotations for modern readers. Among the new added to the Second...

Jecks Michael

A Friar's Bloodfeud: A Medieval West Country - Knights Templar Mystery (Knights Templar Mysteries (Headline))

In this richly atmospheric series of medieval murder mysteries, Michael Jecks gives us tales steeped in intrigue and historical detail. Skillfully evoking the colorful, but often brutal tableaux of the Middle Ages, Jecks has drawn comparison with...

Efraim Turban, Dave King, Jae Kyu Lee, Dennis Viehland

Electronic Commerce: A Managerial Perspective 2006 (4th Edition)...

Leonard J. Schoppa

Race for the Exits: The Unraveling of Japan's System of Social Protection

Contrary to all expectations, Japan's long-term recession has provoked no sustained political movement to replace the nation's malfunctioning economic structure. The country's basic social contract has so far proved resistant to reform, even in the...

Ceri Phillips

Health Economics: An Introduction for Health Professionals

Health economics is not only concerned with finance, it covers a broad range of qualitative and evaluative concepts that need clear explanation. This book provides all the necessary information in a readable style that can be understood by anyone...

<<<  Джейн Мэссент. Вяжем сказку. Спицы и крючок             Ken Drushka. Tie Hackers to Timber Harvesters: The History ... >>>

Петр Паламарчук. Сорок сороков. В 2 томах. Том 1. Кремль. Китай-город. Белый Путешествия Мир животных. Второе издание. Содержит хорошо иллюстрированные Michael Wallace. Study Skills in English Student's book TLA Video & DVD Guide 2004 : The Discerning Газета.ру Камилла Мортон. Как ходить на высоких каблуках Российская газета Ana Castillo. Watercolor Women / Opaque Рамблер МСН Топ майл.ру Вики JANSEN/BOSTON POPS. PROKOFIEFF:PETER. Исполнитель: JANSEN/BOSTON POPS Альбом: И. Н. Жук. Управление. Словарь-справочник Хроники Хуаду: Лезвие Розы. Джеки Чан ("Час пик-1,2", "Вокруг Айрис Мердок. Море, море Поиск работы Автомобильный портал Поиск майл.ру Даниэль Кац. Как мой прадедушка на лыжах прибежал в Финляндию Каталог софта
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